Well, the page that you directed me to looks like one of those random search engines that pops up when you mistype a URL. A better header than "Portal Home". I see several options including "Order" with no indication of what exactly I'm ordering. Though when I look at it, from the main page, the site you should have directed me to was the "Minecraft Servers" page that you get to by going to the "Packages" link or the "Order" link from the page you directed me too. A bit of color always helps. The Home page looks alright, but a little more info such as a FAQ would be useful. Most potential clients will move on rather than send an email for simple questions on information that should be readily accessible.
Anyway, Those were the few things that I noticed. Not much, just simple things.
On a separate note, is the MCMyAdmin needed or is this mostly a recommended tool? I'd like for this to be as simple as possible but I'd also like to understand better what I'm getting myself involved in.