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Everything posted by Verektu13

  1. I was just thinking, Kaker could probably make a fortune selling "TEKKIT for DUMMIES." Might make good projectile too. Any thoughts?
  2. Sometimes these forums are more entertaining than the actual game...
  3. I have a server that I started recently. I don't want to go full out public with it because I don't want to deal with a white list. I'd prefer a referral system to keep it controlled but still open. If you're interested send me a PM with a bit more of what you're looking for and I'll get you an address if I have what you're looking for.
  4. At least it's easy to still play the latest update and also have tekkit with the new launcher. I don't care if my server is 1 update behind constantly as long as I can still play vanilla at the latest update.
  5. Yes, they do.
  6. They offered me a deal on it. It probably has more to do with it being a weekend.
  7. I found out today that they are currently out of server space and will be up next week. if you have questions open a ticket, I got a response within a few minutes.
  8. If you're playing only in single player, than Tekkit is useless. Unless you're trying to make a Multiplayer map, you shouldn't need to run Tekkit in Single player. That is what Technic is save it has more mods that are not available in Multi-player. So I can think of no other legitimate reason to try and open a Technic map with Tekkit. Just select which mod you want to use each time the launcher comes up. If you're getting on a tekkit server, use tekkit, if you're staying in singleplayer, choose whichever one you fancy though Technic has more in it.
  9. I just ordered. So expect me to pester you about it.
  10. Well, the page that you directed me to looks like one of those random search engines that pops up when you mistype a URL. A better header than "Portal Home". I see several options including "Order" with no indication of what exactly I'm ordering. Though when I look at it, from the main page, the site you should have directed me to was the "Minecraft Servers" page that you get to by going to the "Packages" link or the "Order" link from the page you directed me too. A bit of color always helps. The Home page looks alright, but a little more info such as a FAQ would be useful. Most potential clients will move on rather than send an email for simple questions on information that should be readily accessible. Anyway, Those were the few things that I noticed. Not much, just simple things. On a separate note, is the MCMyAdmin needed or is this mostly a recommended tool? I'd like for this to be as simple as possible but I'd also like to understand better what I'm getting myself involved in.
  11. Right there with ya.
  12. Lets sum this up simply. We have a wonderful community here and we have a slightly crude sense of humor. Don't like it, leave. No hard feelings. You're the first to have a big fuss over the rules so I highly doubt it's a big issue. Yes, they are hard on people because the technic teams cares about quality. They would rather be a dick to one person than let that one person be a dick to everyone. If that doesn't make sense, there is no hope for you. <<<<<Hey Look my signature is over there. That's convenient.
  13. Here I thought learning to dance would be hard...
  14. I think they could use some improvement on their website/info. If you hadn't been suggesting it, I would have moved on. I did a knowledge base search for "Payments" and received no useful information. I'll let you know after Tekkit is released again anyway. Thank you for your help.
  15. Two questions: Do they offer Team Speak servers? I didn't see anything on there. Do you know if they accept Paypal? It's currently my only form of online payment. I'm looking to start a server here when Tekkit 2.0 is fixed up again. I was looking at Kurplunc but I am also looking for anything good. I looked at Fragnet which seems to have everything I need at a better deal than Kurplunc did but I prefer to explore all options I can. Any other useful information would be appreciated as well.
  16. I absolutely Love how dedicated our community is to putting these "entitlement freaks" in their place. The Tekkit/Technic team is awesome. I'll actually be putting up a server myself after 2.0 comes out. Waiting patiently (well, maybe not patiently...I do check the forums every day hoping.) for it to come out.
  17. I'd nuke em for the joy of it. They are seriously the most difficult trees to get out of the way. I usually use the explosive arrows to get rid of most of it though. That's the best solution I came up with.
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