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About squirtre

  • Birthday 12/12/1995

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squirtre's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. download link is https://copy.com/qrgjjuT4prFYtMpT
  2. or could someone send me a link to a working file that i can download?
  3. what about this? require(C:xampphtdocsbootstrap/../vendor.autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:xampphtdocsbootstrapautoload.php on line 17
  4. thanks...
  5. Whats a 4-way handshake (Station) mean and how do i fix it?
  6. i got it all set up except for 1 stupid error. mcrypt_decrypt(): Key of size 22 not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16, 24 or 32. how do i fix this?
  7. howd i miss that!?
  8. theres no delete button...
  9. How do i delete my modpacks on the new site?
  10. Removed
  11. idk. every fusion reactor i use i can do 20 turbines at full. it just takes time sometimes....
  12. use java 7.71 thats problem 1.
  13. use copy.com thats where most are hosted now
  14. i can make this pack for you. for version 1.6.4. if you interested please send me a msg or reply on here.
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