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Everything posted by HuntedThompson

  1. It was meant to clear an area so I could tp warships and structures to test in the overworld. sorry lol x.x
  2. Heya Atraps. I think spawns messed up. Port me to my home bed and I think i can fix it.
  3. Sarg has the corrupted blocks. Hope Pious sees this. When sarg logs in we all lose javascript
  4. Well logblock showed that you griefed chimzor's base. And he reported griefing. So I'd suggest having him take it back or speak to Pious. Im not an admin or a mod i cant do anythin but talk ^.^
  5. Fixero if you know Jub or are Jub, please read up on Seto's rulebreaking please. It's out of hand. Again.
  6. Hey is your server down?

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