Minecraft Name: ballmot
Skype Name: don't have one right now (it lags my computer)
Age: 24
Experience with Attack of the BTeam! (1-10): 7
Favorite Mod: Saintspack
Do you plan to record? Yes.
What do you like to do in Minecraft? I like explore, build stuff with redstone (and also normal buildings), survive, and pve.
Why do you want to be in this server? I want to be on this server because it looks like a good one, and also because most people are over 16.
(I don't really like playing with 10 year old kids who keep crying about everything)
What else should we know about you? I've found this modpack recently (1 week ago), and i've been playing it all the time now, but it's hard to find a good server without griefers or banned items. (I'm okay with banning items which crash the server and things like that, just try to avoid removing the fun ones, like the dubstep guns and witchery)