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Everything posted by sparitsa

  1. thanks again Tub, .... and that is why he is a God... he sees everything and he can perform miracles...
  2. Dear Gods, Sorry to disturb you again but... I lost some important stuff while we were trying to move a diamond chest and by the time I could transfer the items from it to any available space the items were gone... is there any chance that we could get that stuff back plz... if nothing else the alumite blocks we lost? (i think around 13) .
  3. Ty vm Tub , and clone good luck and hope to cya again... we need our architect remember ? Hope it all goes well for you
  4. Hello everyone... and hello Gods... ehm... I'm not sure .... but I might have broken the server... again... anyway I can't login atm... can someone plz check it? Thank you very much (plz don't kill me) and I'm sorry...
  5. Hello everyone, I would like to apologize for the crash the other day... lol... I have no clue as to what i did there but sorry anyway and ty Tub for fixing it so fast . I also appreciate all the hard work that all of our admins and mods etc put into this server but could u plz give us an update and a rough estimation of when the server will be back on... sorry for asking just need to relax ... playing mc... lol... too much stress these days... anyway... ty very much and sorry again
  6. sorry for double post internet is playing up ... again
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