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About ImCrazeh

  • Birthday 10/19/1990

ImCrazeh's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. In-game name: centerice1822 Age: 16 Time Zone: Eastern What is your Tekkit experience?: 1 year... I know almost everything in it Why do you want to join Schpoovi?: Looking for a nice server to come and chill on and just have fun!
  2. IGN: centerice1822 Age:14 Timezone:Eastern Explain, in your own words, Rule number 6: Your EE collecters etc must be out of sight from admins How long have you played tekkit for? 1 year now If you've been banned from another server, please explain it away here: Nah... im a good boy Tell us something about yourself. Im 14 years old and i love to play games! I like tekkit and alot of xbox games!
  3. Minecraft Name: centerice1822 Age:14 Country:US Why do you want to join: Looking for a good, reliable server to come and chill on and make friends If you got banned (MCBANS), explain your bans: I think once because the host was a control freak and was banning everyone!
  4. In-Game Name (Nickname) centerice1822 Skype yuniqecrze About myself Im a 14 year old on my first year of highschool I play hockey and i live in SC I love to play games! I play alot of tekkit and i play xbox too! cx Battlefield and BO2 <3 I love to have a nice server to come and just chill on and have fun I like to work on group projects and working together! I have played tekkit for about a year now and Minecraft since the full release of it, so i have pretty good experience! Why you should let me in! Im a great builder and i would be a great edition to the server! Im a friendly person and i work great with other people!
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