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Posts posted by DigAndDug

  1. Useful tip when farming rubber trees:
    Rubber tree's sap holes can be right-clicked again when there is no sap, which will more than likely destroy the hole and make the tree infertile. Very useful when you're just planting the tree, taking off all the resin and then cutting it down again. Not as useful if you want to keep a rubber tree orchard and constantly get sap from them though. 
  2. Hmmm... So instead of needing a jetpack you can just get that staff. Well, that's pretty coolz!


    Yup. :) And you can enchant them with unbreaking and soul tether, making it last longer and letting you keep it when you die. :)

  3. Hmmm... Staffs you say... I'll have to get my wizard hat and play XD. That sounds awesome! What powers are on the staffs?


    Hehe, I'm not sure what all the staffs do, but I know the electric one lets you sorta fly through the air, and the dark one shoots a projectile that does only a small amount of damage, but drops hearts.

  4. Ice cream is just fun :) I've not been on this server yet. I keep meaning to join it. does it still have parkour and better dungeons?


    I know a lot of hexxit servers have had to remove it.. I freaking love raiding better dungoens. there crazy fun!


    Yep, this server has better dungeons in it :D

  5. Remember to give some /gifts to your friends! They'll have a chance to get some really cool things! If you run out, you can purchase some more from the shop on the website!

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