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Everything posted by sillibird

  1. We now have towny and other protection plugins
  2. We have lwc, but other than we do not have a anti griefing plugin, but we plan to get one today. Whitelisted Whitelisted Whitelisted
  3. Yes, you keep your inventory. Whitelisted
  4. Great news, forgebukkit has been setup and is now working
  5. No, forgebukkit is not working so there is no protection, but if you get griefed we will 100% redo all damage done. Whitelisted
  6. To be honest, no. We had so many members on that I only remember the main players. Are you interested in joining SilliHex.
  7. Sorry, but as I mentioned, that is considered griefing, which is unbanable.
  8. We have a zero tolerance policy for griefing. Since that took place at the spawn it is considered griefing, which is a banable offense. Bans for griefing do not get lifted, so the ban is permanent.
  9. mobGriefing is off and keepInventory is on, other than that, everything is default Whitelisted
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