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About Poisonous_Ragnok

  • Birthday 01/25/1994

Poisonous_Ragnok's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN:Poisonous_Ragnok Experience in Hexxit:Never played before Are you a PvP or PvE player?:Both.I'm better at pvp
  2. Oh,sorry for not mentioned that.I don't remember that i been on those server before as you can see is 6 months ago.I been on alot of server and i keep changing servers.And the time i grief a players house is on my friend server,I don't think is bad because I roll him back (I was the server admin).
  3. Forum name:Poisonous_Ragnok In-Game Name:Poisonous_Ragnok Age:14 Country:China Have you ever been banned? why?Yes,I been banned once for crashing the server Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?Yes What can you bring to the game?I can help other players In your opinion, what rule would you enforce in a real life city and why?No griefing,no raiding,be nice because it's against the law in real life
  4. IGN (In Game Name):Poisonous_Ragnok Age:15 Why Horizon?:Because is a whitelisted server with a big community What is your goal on the server?:Learn everything about Hexxit and make friends
  5. 1. What is your minecraft name? Poisonous_Ragnok 2. Do you agree to the rules, stated above? Yes 3. Do you have any questions, not listed in the 'Questions and Answers?' No 4. If so, state them here: 5. Do you have any bans on record? Not that I'm aware of 6. If so, why? 7. Why are you interested in SilliHex? I'm looking for a private server to play with people and make friends.And because my computer is so shitty so i get less lag on servers 8. Have you played on any other Hexxit servers? No
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