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About Landicon

  • Birthday 07/17/1994

Landicon's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Application Details: IGN: Cocoman15 (you can change it to Landicon if you want) Age: 19 Are you new to Modded Minecraft? No Why should I add you? I bring a higher knowledge of Railcraft and IC2 to the server and if the community is large enough and the demand is there, I can supply power to the people of the server for a price if it is possible. I also enjoy a tight-knit community that enjoys talking to each other and helping out in ways. What are you good at? Photoshop, Railcraft, Ic2, Modular Power Suits What are you like (For example Personality)? I enjoy talking to other people that have the same interests as mee, I can be quite talkative sometimes but I'm easy to get along with and I'm quite accepting. Country/State: U.S/ Pennsylvania Have you ever been banned from a server before, and if so, why? No Are you a Youtuber of Modded Minecraft? No Have you signed up at our website as a member? Yes I have
  2. Name: Chris Age: 19 Country and Time Zone: U.S.- Est IGN: Cocoman15 (Again Landicon is preferred) Tell us a bit about yourself and what your hobbies are: I'm a 19 year old graduate from a small town in Pennsylvania. I enjoy tinkering with my computer and other things mechanical just to find out how they work and sometimes even make them better or solve problems on why they don't work. I'm also moderately good at photoshop and I'm planning on going to college to get a degree in Game Animation and hopefully one other course which I'm still deciding on. As of right now I work as a housekeeper so the job isn't glamorous but it still pays the bills I guess ha ha. Mods you are proficient in: I'm at by best with Railcraft, IC2, and almost any mod that involves engines What year are you in: 2013 What classes do you have: None at the current time but I do plan o going to college in the next year or so. Tell us a little about your classes: - What do you want to be/what are you:- Why do you like that occupation: Graphic Designer or Video Game Animator Who is one of your biggest role models: Optional What have they taught you: Optional, if you do 1 paragraph What company do you want to join: If possible I would like to start my own Why do you want to join this company: 1 paragraph What is the history of this server: Optional Tell us the history of as many companies as you can: Optional Who do you think is most powerful, why: Optional Who are the leaders of all the companies: Optional What do you like about this server: I enjoy a server that has a competive edge but instead of a blade the user has to use a combination of horsepower, fire, and a sharp wit to overcome his enemy in the factory. Why do you want to join this server: I want to have a good time competeing against other companies doing what I love. Why should we let you join this server: I bring a good knowledge of production as well as a blank slate when it comes to vreating a partnership with other players. What is your greatest achievement in Tekkit: Probably my creosote oil powered boiler system that ran most if not all my machines and also had enough power to run two 64x64 quarrys without slowing down too much and then having enough creosote oil to sell to other players that needed any. Is there anything else you would like to tell us: Optional Where did you hear about us: Here in the Technic Forums.
  3. Application: Cocoman15 (You can change my name to Landicon if you want)
  4. Yeah being a graduate sucks sometimes lol I'm also having the issue of having Mojang go unresponsive any idea on how to fix this? I honestly want to get my hands dirty fighting other companies X3 I enjoy making creosote oil
  5. You guys still active? This seems like an awesome server honestly and it looks like its sadly gone dark :(
  6. Age: 19 IGN: Cocoman15 Timezone: Est How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Alpha (remember sponges) How long have you been playing Tekkit: 2 years Do you like any video games other than Minecraft, if so name some: Fall or Cybertron, Armored Core, Vindictus How much time would you dedicate to the server?: 4-6 hours (I do work so hours may vary) Tell me in no less than 25 words what you can give to out server that no one else can: I'm quite good with machines which can be used to produce items for the server and its people.
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