Application Details:
IGN: Cocoman15 (you can change it to Landicon if you want)
Age: 19
Are you new to Modded Minecraft? No
Why should I add you? I bring a higher knowledge of Railcraft and IC2 to the server and if the community is large enough and the demand is there, I can supply power to the people of the server for a price if it is possible. I also enjoy a tight-knit community that enjoys talking to each other and helping out in ways.
What are you good at? Photoshop, Railcraft, Ic2, Modular Power Suits
What are you like (For example Personality)? I enjoy talking to other people that have the same interests as mee, I can be quite talkative sometimes but I'm easy to get along with and I'm quite accepting.
Country/State: U.S/ Pennsylvania
Have you ever been banned from a server before, and if so, why? No
Are you a Youtuber of Modded Minecraft? No
Have you signed up at our website as a member? Yes I have