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Everything posted by ragdim

  1. Seriously? 205 views and not even a single response just to say something like "you should take this to another forum" or blahblah? It probably doesn't matter, but I noticed my minecraft says it's version 1.4.7 despite me having gone inside the technic launcher and selected the 0.6.5 version of tekkit lite. Also, the game chunks get progressively worse/slower as I load different seeds. Restarting helps this.
  2. Surely someone knows how to fix this? Is there a better place that I should ask this?
  3. Having issues with chunks loading after flying a certain distance. If I start moving passed that point, I notice chunks start unloading. Weirdly enough, I went afk and came back to notice that some chunks loaded on the other side of where the chunks stopped loading. The closest thing I could find to my issue was this: https://mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MC-15076
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