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About Raff0rz

  • Birthday 05/08/1969

Raff0rz's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. . I wonder who the someone was.. .this would make a good sticky.
  2. TonyVS this is exactly what kind of server i want to have.
  3. hey i would definitely like to talk to you. If you use Skype, my name is rafforz on Skype.

  4. Ok i tried to run a Tekkit Server and i had a lot of troubles with Griefing in particular which for many people is a gamestopper. My past experience is only with performing Admin functions on a squared away Bukkit MineCraft server which was well put together and easy to maintain. My issue is I dont enjoy vanilla/bukkit minecraft for a host of reasons but to name a couple most important: Its boring... maybe I'm too old or maybe i want more of a challenge, and the average maturity of the players and the staff on such servers is not my cup of tea for a gaming experience. So this brings me to the reason for this post. I am willing to pay for a Tekkit Server but i need expert help setting it up so that it will be pleasant to play on with a mature staff to keep it that way. Im even open to a partnership to share the burdens proportionately. If you are mature, skilled Tekkit Server guru, want to run this type server, and dont have the money to do it... drop me a reply so we can talk.
  5. hi Neowulf. i tried 3 times to post my server on the custom servers thread and it hasn't made it. Am i doing something wrong?

    1. Torezu


      Yeah. I hate to say it, since you seem nice enough, but it honestly doesn't look like you tried to make your post fairly legible, even compared to some of the very basic ones that do get approved. You might enjoy hosting a server, but you're unlikely to get visitors, at least from this site, if your post isn't at least sort of attractive.

    2. Torezu


      I left the post alone so you could edit it, but it'll get deleted in a couple days if we haven't seen some improvement.

  6. This server closes on December 22nd. I decided to make a MoonQuest server instead. Tekkit doesnt play nice with Essentials and Bukkit.
  7. ok i got rid of towny... bad idea... doesn't work with Mystcraft
  8. what launcher are you using? did you click the gear?
  9. did you upgrade your launcher?
  10. Took factions off. Added Towny and griefPrevention plugins. Still no banned items.
  11. This server has been Upgraded to 1.1.10 and factions was taken off. Towny and Grief Prevention has been added. Still no banned items.
  12. The server is up, maybe you caught it at a restart?.. anyhow we are up to 5 regular players and looking for more. Thinking about adding Towny but not sure. Come give us another try.
  13. Recently updated. Looking for 20 core players. Plan to keep it small and fun. No banned items as of yet, want to try to keep it this way. There is a /login and Antibot to keep the server somewhat secure. Very Simple spawn with a small shops(Still in progress). Server has been going for 2400 days in minecraft time of which 1200 was closed to public for testing.
  14. Brand new map. Im new to Tekkit and looking for somer mature people to play with. I hope to see you there.
  15. the error report was bigger but it wouldn't let me post it all. If you need more i will post the rest of it.
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