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Everything posted by jojoblackops

  1. Server IP: Rules: Don't exploit. It's a game, make it fun for everyone. No spam, obviously. Don't grief spawn. RAIDING and GRIEFING is ALOUD. We are running a clean build of AOTBT with no removed mods. Pictures of Spawn http://imgur.com/6pzbwOl http://imgur.com/Bc4tJZG ___________________ 5000 block world limit just for Overworld Care packages are hidden near spawn (within 1000 blocks) to help you get going. Banned items and reasoning: Master's Staff:Ignores protected areas Luggage:Dupe Oven:Dupe Present:Dupe Nyan Pig Launcher:Ignores protected areas TMPP Launcher:Ignores protected areas Explosive Dubstep Gun:Lag Plastic Bag:Dupe Needlegun:Ignores protected areas SPAMR Launcher:Ignores protected areas Total Plugin List: BorderGuard ClearLag EasyPrefix Essentials Factions KillMoney PermissionsEX SimpleWorldPlugin TekkitCustomizerData Vault WorldEdit WorldGuard Why I made the server? "I was tired of playing alone, so I put this up, come join me" I want people who show absolute dedication towards playing. No whitelist.
  2. This server is really bad. I recommend finding a new one.
  3. Why is the server down? Its been down for nearly 12 hours.
  4. Block ID 249 is also being used by another block. Try re-installing Tekkit completely. Also, did you edit or change anything?
  5. If this isnt a whitelist server why do I even have to post here applying for member? Just wondering. Maybe you should post in the whitelist section.
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