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Everything posted by Thermopyle

  1. There's nothing like a little Hexxit after a long day.
  2. Tinker's construct is probably my favorite part of Hexxit.
  3. Hexxit is for when you just want to play, it's a good place to unwind from all that factory work.
  4. How is the hunt for squid? I heard that they like water in deep caves.
  5. This is a great server with the best staff. I'm so happy to have found them.
  6. I still haven't managed to breed a black chocobo. But I will not stop trying!
  7. It's the people that make this server so much fun! I have friends all day
  8. PvP arenas are always fun! Also, who doesn't like prizes?!?
  9. I had a chocobo once. He wasn't so smart and drowned in one block of water...
  10. What fun new ideas can be brought to this hexxit? Other than squid. What is it always with the squid?
  11. Hexxit is NOT that complicated! Just hop in there and start slaying mythical beasts with your two handed greatsword... or something like that I must say that the Five Kingdoms Hexxit server is intense though. The open PvP, any place, any time makes it VERY interesting. I just haven't found anyone enough to join their faction, and as such do not have a protected home there.
  12. I tamed and saddled a Chocobo last night on the server. It was a blast flying across the desert on a yellow bird/mount, lol
  13. This Hexxit server is fun. I just found about adventure world, is the chat linked to the chat in the main? Now, I've got to go try it and see
  14. These little guys mugged me in this underground forest area, what a trip Hexxit is.
  15. I agree that minecarts are much more interesting than pipes to watch.
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