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Everything posted by _NoDnaRb_

  1. Since no one has really said anything to this i have found a patch if you will.It involves a plugin but it works so if you are running a plugin enabled server use this http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/console-messages-filter/
  2. I believe it has something to do with MorphMod but i see nothing to disable it.I checked all configs and nothing pops out or comes to mind except that mod.I think its more of a debug message thats reading the data from the mob thats being killed because its reading everything about the mob when its killed
  3. You can have all the ram in the world on your computer but unless the server has enough ram and the bandwidth you're going to lag lol.I suggest your friend check how much ram he has set aside to the server he made and to make sure he is running 64 bit java or else you will not be able to allocate more than 1gb to it.
  4. Did you set a side another port just for hexxit or is CB and hexxit on the same port?
  5. I know the line comes from the twilight mod but does anyone have a clue as a way to disable it? I have searched as much as i can about it but have come up empty handed so anything anyone might know about it would be really helpful.
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