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About gooberlious

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. as far as i know, there arn't any offical specs released but keep in mind that this is pretty much minecraft when it first came out, really laggy and such
  2. its V0.1 i think its like pre-indev by my standards but the game its self is just [start geberaish]jubqwuifrbiebfieufbieuwbfefiu [end geberaish] and i think this is going to be minecraft's sucessor, if and when it does "die off"
  3. this is really amazing, i thought it couldn't be done but really just look at this, so much YES! this i swear is going to make me quit every game i play and just play this, i mean look at it, you can build shoot things, and your in the futuristic world...how cool is that? mind blown...no not blown...nuked is more like it mind nuked
  4. i don't use tekit much, but in technic the block id's can be changed in the mods config file EE's config file is just in the stright tekkit folder if it isn't then it is most likely here .techniclauncher -> tekkit -> configs
  5. if people on your server think EE is OP THEN JUST TELL THEM NOT TO USE IT sorry, but this thread is really pointless to me...like really pointless
  6. then change the block id?
  7. you guys are terrible and should be ashamed /end sarcasam i know modding is hard work, hell i tried to make my own technic thingy mo bob from vanilla minecraft, spent 3 hours on it and i swear i made absolutly no progress, i gave up in the end and said hell imma just going to wait for them to update it in 5 years. you guys are doing good work hattip.gif
  8. yes you could, and that is what i do, as i also use AVG
  9. my little pony porn? rule 34 bro (if it exists, there is porn of it) i do streaming not steaming
  10. 1.) starcraftII 2.) mass effect 3 (multiplayer, done single player)
  11. MGM is dumb then....half the stuff for stargate episodes is blocked under copy right
  12. doing a LP is not illegal, least the last time i checked your allowed to, so long as you have a legit copy of the game you wish to LP (ie if i want to LP OOT i need to have to buy it from the wii store thingy muh jig or have a N64 with the cartage, i can't use an emulator)
  13. i just delete my chache and its usally good,
  14. 1.) get a paypal account 2.) buy minecraft 3.) ??? 4.) profit
  15. so i was making a tree farm through the use of forestry. i am powering my arboreduim with 2 electrical engines through teleport pipes (and a quarry on a differnt freq) the engines are running fine and power is going though the pipes humas and saplings are stocked and the teleport freq are true/false were they need to be but the arboritum won't lay down the initial humas any suggestion/ideas as to why this is happening/ what is going on? oh and here is a pic...if it helps oh and here is a picture if it helps :)
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