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Everything posted by Krow

  1. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that.....(doesn't ask him to log in) Would that beverage be pepper-infused vodka? or beer?
  2. I threw up a little in my mouth after reading this, god, that man was an idiot! The power of the frost engine in minecraft? The hell is his problem?
  3. Thank you for agreeing with me, I needed to get this frustration out and this seemed to be the best place to do that. I feel a little better now, kinda like you do after a primal scream.
  4. Oh sweet lord all mighty, I am siting in a stew pot filled with pure, un-adultrated, absolute, blind, RAGE! The REAL Asshat Prima Donnas of Minecraft are those infernal children on the MCF boards. I wish I could trow them into a compressor and turn them all into one hyper compact cube, grind it up into chili and feed it to their collective parents and/or guardians! The infernal treatment they have toward the English language would make Miriam Webster do a 360 off the lip of a half pipe in her grave. The infernal "No Pics, No clicks" mantra makes them looks like a bunch of scared, dis-trusting numb-nutted cowards who are oblivious to the god-powers of Photo shop! God, every time I attempt to find a halfway decent mod to test on those demonic, wolf-hating, forums I find myself howling in crazed lunatic fury! There should not be a place like that, where gimp-suit wearing, Emo-Bee loving, wolf torturing, dong hating, assholes can gather and release noxious douche-bag fumes! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Am I just too aggressive for my own good, or is it that I'm entirely right and I have yet to find like minded individuals? Anyone?
  5. Eh, if you get past the difficulty, it's a really deep rewarding RPG., plus its satisfying to go around killing everything that killed you when you get the best weapons and eqiupment.
  6. I got home today and went through hell and back to get my SNES and a copy of FFVI. Very much worth wading through my apocalypse of an attic. It's my favorite in the series and has my favorite villain (Kelfka's laugh sends shivers down my spine) and what other game can you suplex a train in? Also, Jay?, digital devil saga 1 and 2 are both amazing, (the atma and mantras kick ass, press turn came back even better, and you could switch from human to demon form on the fly. They also have my favorite story in the series) The only bad Megaten games I've played (and I've played all of them) are the GBA Colour ones (abysmal heresy) and the most recent devil summoner game, it broke my heart that atlus would release that piece of crap, but they made it up with devil survivor and strange journey. I think games like the megaten series, dark souls, the world ends with you, lost odyssey, Radiata Historia, and the like prove that the JRPG genre is still capable of innovation and great storytelling (If you've played lost odyssey you know what I'm talking about)
  7. I didn't like it at first due to it's drastic change in persona progression ( Going from the cards and like from P1 and P2), but then I realized I liked the story and interaction with characters to gain stronger persona, because the relationships were believable and the characters were varied and interesting. That said, I love, love, love Nocturne. It has some of my favorite music from the series, phenomenal storytelling and character progression. The press turn system, and the way magatama work were awesome additions to the megaten combat system, plus the Dante cameo was icing on the cake. You just mentioning it makes me want me to go and play it through beginning to end.
  8. 1: Borderlands to an excessive amount (I'm extremely excited about the sequel) 2: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3: FES 3:Kid Icarus: Uprising There are countless others I've been sinking hours into recently, but I've played these three the most recently
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