What is your Minecraft account name?
What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)
What timezone do you use?
Central US (-06:00 GMT)
What previous experience have you had as a roleplayer?
D&D tabletop as a player, genie, DM
World of Warcraft private RP server Redemption as a rogue that taught others to roleplay and started a guild of the unseen
Final Fantasy(s) 1-10
Adopting the personas of many different champions in League of Legends
When you think of roleplaying, what comes to mind?
An opportunity to adopt a new style of life, one with individual goals, dreams, and mind frame
How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?
Your amazing Midgar build brought me here
Have you read the basic Gaia Life lore, and hereby swear to abide by it?
I promise to abide to my best of the lore layed out in this land. Long live President Bartholomew
Have you the rules governing this server, and understand them?
Yes, they seem fair and just
To verify that you read the links in this application form's intro, please give a brief summary of what they discuss.
How to not god-mod and why it is a pain, and how to not metagame and why it is detrimental to the game and community
In-Character Information
Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.
Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Race:
Character Biography and Description:
A platinum-haired girl with simple yet striking looks and a complex thinker, Imma often wondered what lay outside of her home village. Born to a simple family, they often warned her of the wonders and evils that lay outside, but these only spiked her enormous curiosity. Now of age, she ventures to find a place for her knowledge to do best.
Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.
Meta Questions
In this section, your character will be placed into a set of hypothetical situations. Please consider your answers carefully.
You stumble upon a group of three soldiers harrassing a middle-aged man, apparently about some missing bronze machine parts from a local repair shop. The man is insistent upon his innocence, but the soldiers do not relent. What do you do?
Nothing, as I don't want trouble with anything not directed toward me
As you are walking down the street, you glance down an alleyway and notice some shady-looking characters moving crates. Upon closer inspection, you realise that the crates are marked "ordinance", and that it seems that they're being moved into a school. What do you do?
Wait to see if their is an opportunity to open one and see what is inside the crates.
You have been evicted from your home, and attract the sneers of those you pass on the street. Even your own family has shunned you, and your best of friends now refuse to acknowledge your existence; what have you done to earn this fate?
Fallen into a life of addiction and deceit
You're approached by a street thug, clearly much stronger than you are. He demands everything valuable that you're carrying. What do you do?
Yell for help as I draw my weapon (if any) and prepare for battle
Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?
Leave, as I don't like trouble I am not directly involved in
Have you +1'd our modpack on the Technic Platform?
Have you posted a copy of this app onto the Technic Forums?
You can do this after you submit to make it easier to copy and paste!
Will do after posting :)