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Everything posted by Kinsaka

  1. I hope so too my daughters getting to age where she can barter with the tooth fairy for money with her teeth
  2. .......might have been me......i saw something with wings in the fortress and hit it with my frying pan till it stopped moving. Guess thats why I got a tooth as the drop
  3. I sometimes get a few problems with the minimap tele. I sometimes pop into creative and give my self a command block and attach a tele coordinates to it and add a button. That way I can click it and tele without having to always type or use mini map
  4. What program are you using to record?
  5. Well there's the regular armor down the center, bottom left is shield (unused), top right is mas slot (unused), Right of the armor is backpack (used for knapsack) and belt (unused), Far right is necklace, ring (both unused) and the Heart canister slot. Hope that helps and maybe we will being seeing use of those slots in future updates
  6. Chalk it up to me being a newb but what are those "codes" used for? Also, way to handle it Valkon! If I ever start a server up might offer you a admin role. World needs more patient people.
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