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Everything posted by mewstrongo

  1. mod pack link below http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/battle-pack-strikes-back.285615/ hey youtubers can anyone do a seiries of my modpack on youtube please send me the link for that if anyone has. You will be in the description of my modpack.You have to tell me if you are doing a seiries of the modpack. Please make these series a great ones. My modpack is very fun.Also could someone do a modpack showcase if so I thankyou guys so much. Yours sincerly,mewstrongo
  2. Tree Capitor http://www.minecraft...-capitator-mod/ Atomic science http://calclavia.com...ence/downloads/ Better Breeds http://www.mediafire...ds 1.6.4 v5.zip Code Chicken Core http://minecraft-for...137985917216647 CofhCore http://www.curse.com...cofhcore/764469 CustomPortForge http://www.mediafire...an-port-mod.jar Ee2 client Fosills and archelogy reported Galaticraft Galaticraft planets Inventory Tweaks Lot's O mobs MicdoodleCore-1.6.4- MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.5-352 MixedCraft 0.0.2 Morphing-Mod-1.6.4 NEIPlugins- Optifine NotEnoughItems 1.6.4 Numina-1.6.4 orespawn164v13 Pixelmon 3.0.1 Railcraft_1.6.4- StevesCarts2.0.0.b3 ThermalExpansion-3.0.0.b9d I want servers to run on Craft Bukkit and standard .Name of pack is Tekkimon Please email me at [email protected] please do this pack asap
  3. the link is here : http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/battle-pack-strikes-back.285615/
  4. Hey plow I now get an unzipping error can you help as I have tried everything you said. Yours Sincerly mewstrongo.
  5. Hi Plow my modpack keep coming up with this error saying : "IllgealArgumentException" the modpack link is here: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/adventurous-creature-pack.252157/ Please can you tell me what is wrong with the file this time I really don't understand what it means
  6. Kk but I have a problem on my modpack the link is here : http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/adventurous-creature-pack.252157 can you please fix it then put it in drop box then send me the link
  7. Also the link to my pack is here : http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/adventurous-creature-pack.252157
  8. I have fixed everything but technic says theres a promblem , which I don't understand it says something about a mod.
  9. Can you help as it doesn't work here's the link https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/258080563/Mystical%20Creatures.zip
  10. I am deleting it now so thanks guys it might work hopefully.
  11. it won't run and sorry about 3 threads sorry about the mod thing
  12. Hey guys I am kinda struggling with modpack as it doesn't work. Can you help me by editing the zip file the link is here : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/258080563/Mystical%20Creature%20Craft.zip Please send me the new dropbox link so I can download it for my technic platform account. Make sure it is in your public folder.
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