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  1. Thanks,it works exept when my friends join http://gyazo.com/ec80453a07c56cce1fe21c5ef763cbaf ,but im giving up whit it,anyways thank you very very much
  2. Thanks! But sadly, another crash http://pastebin.com/Z0FtmyML And if i run it without portal gun i get those 2 http://pastebin.com/DXRh7rqL http://pastebin.com/52x46ZC5
  3. Hey I've recently made a private custom modpack for me and my friends to play thogeder on,but when I tried to make a server it crashes, I've tried a lot of things but I just cant see what is the problem since I'm not too good at minecraft moding and java stuff. http://pastebin.com/Au2y3WBb ^crash report https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuD6WjnPOmMIdEVmd0pIbHBzY1VMNWxEVUpFTURyeFE#gid=0 ^list of mods So if anybody could help ,please do so.
  4. Hello when I'm tring to run my server i get this crash report: (thers more but this is the only severe one so only one that matters) Info: Minecraft Version : 1.6.4 Pc Specs: Windows 32Bit 4 ram. Thanks for help and sorry if this error has allready been posted ,thers 12 pages to look trhough :L and i know this isnt suposed to be a help forum but i dont know where to get help from .If you cant fix it at least please tell me where to go to get help. Edit:After i took out DenPipes and DenLib witch seemed to be the mods causing it this ive got this error
  5. Hello when I'm tring to run my server i get this crash report: (thers more but this is the only severe one so only one that matters) Info: Minecraft Version : 1.6.4 Pc Specs: Windows 32Bit 4 ram. Thanks for help and sorry if this error has allready been posted ,thers 12 pages to look trhough :L and i know this isnt suposed to be a help forum but i dont know where to get help from .If you cant fix it at least please tell me where to go to get help. Edit:After i took out DenPipes and DenLib witch seemed to be the mods causing it this ive got this error
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