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mattc2086's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Name : mattc2086 Age Bracket :14-20 T.Z : GMT Best thing you ever built : I built a replica of my house (to scale) which included the driveway, garden, and back garden, also the road leading to it. Oh and a giant rainbow behind my house because why not its Minecraft right? Why this server? : I want to join this server because playing single player just isn't the same and I wanted to join an AoTBT server which has a friendly community and the right amount of people( i don't like overcrowded servers with nowhere to build). I also want to join this server so i can collaborate with other people on the server and get accepted into a friendly community where i can build with other members on big projects and other exciting things! I also agree with the rules as they are quite reasonable and easy to follow. (edit) : i don't know if i should have mentioned but i'm new to AoTBT but i have tinkered with some of the mods in other mod-packs but i'll learn
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