IGN: ashbash127
Skype name: asherroberts1
Age: 16
Why you want to join the server?: The reason i'd like to join this server is honestly the reason that you started it. The members of the old server i used to be apart of - stopped playing, only a couple of people came on everyone now and then for short periods of time. I would like to be apart of a server with active and friendly members.
What mods you think you'll focus on: I would like to try all the mods because they are awesome! But the ones i draw more towards are the building mods e.g. Microblocks, Chisel, Tinkers Construct, MrCrayfish etc. I also enjoy some of the more technical mods like Thermal Expansion.
P.S - Could i ask where the server is hosted in? I live in Australia and the timezones here are a little different, hopefully thats ok!