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Everything posted by ty1791

  1. ty1791 technicpack forums I would like to find a lag free nice community server building and having fun blue and i'm also applying 4 my friend cause he is too lazy to make a forum account jujubot technicpack forums find a community server where there are no 3 year old greifers exploring and adventuring cyan
  2. also I <3 the B-team (bdubs = gennyb) and I've been watching all their vids
  3. In game name: ty1791 Age: 15 Why do I want to play?: too have fun, play, build and be on a server where people don't annoy you What do I like to do in MC?: BUILD (definitely) What don't you like to do?: get griefed and completely raided by noobs Experience?: 9/10 What is love?: ...baby don't hurt me... no more lol Squirtle or Pikachu?: Squirtle definitely And I'm also applying for my friend who is too lazy to make an account on the forums jujubot 15 to find a community server explore and adventure! get raided by little kids who have nothing else to do 7/10 what isn't? pikachu Thnk u 4 ur time
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