1: Minecraft Name jeremiah7574
2: What country do you live in? USA USA USA USA USA
3: Will you be uploading to YouTube, if so what is your YouTube channel? no
4: How many times a week do you plan to be on? every day all day
5: How old are you (You do not have to post on the forum if you do not want, send it to me in a private message!) 16
6: Do you accept the rules of the server? yes
7: Do you agree to not steal from other players? yes
IGN: jeremiah7574
CONTACT(skype, email, YTlink, etc): jeremiah.cooper7574
Pros: good builder
Cons: cant play a lot because of school only about 3 hours a day
Why do you want to play on this server: to have fun and have a sever that does not lag or crash
What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.): like to build dome houses with furniture
What DON’T you like to do: i don't like to mess with people
Experience with modpack (1-10):
What is love:
Squirtle or Pikachu: pikachu