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Posts posted by DragonScythe

  1. Is there a way to drink you liquid xp when its in a tank? The method im using now is making glass bottles so it becomes bottle o xp, but i dont want that because by the time it gets pretty annoying making them.

    right clicking openblocks tanks of xp gives you 1 level each time, which actually makes for better returns

  2. I didn't think about dupe bugs, that's a really good point.

    Come to think of it, tickets could be bought at a shop instead of having to use command blocks to deduct cash directly. It would be a little easier for guests to have the money deducted directly, but I wouldn't want to be unable to modify a station without bothering a mod.

    Minecraft is a fun game where nobody wins and everyone is friends, except for me. I'm going to win.

    Many of the dupe exploits lie in mechanical, magical, and container mods. Since you don't seem to have too many, there should be few exploits. Bugs, however, will take some time to discover.

  3. lol sooooo many ppl post mods that shud be added to the modpack, but as i learned, the modpack is huge already and adding more is kinda over kill :( sucks i know, I wanted like ruins and better dungeons etc, like they have on hexxit so ppl can explore more structures and fight and conquer battle towers etc, but yea, wud most likely be too much for most ppl who play on the mod pack to handle.


    But if you want to add ur own mods to ur pack its simple enough to do. But might b glitchy or too much.


    The main problem is approval, not the size of the modpack. This modpack is actually really quite small compared to others.

  4. Not sure, I know I loved the modpack for FTB that had it back in the day. Now its dead though.


    I do miss it though.


    These current adventure packs with guns and what not just don't feel right to me.

    Yeah. I see AOTBT as a blend of adventure and technical, but the technical aspects make the adventuring almost unnecessary what with the cloning and all.

  5. Probably are losing players to the Ftb Launcher,  But then again they don't have stable modpacks usually. Their voltz version sucks.


    That's kinda funny.

    I mostly play the Technic Launcher, but I really do respect the FTB Launcher.

    Compared to Technic, they are much more thorough in ensuring there are no exploits or bugs. AOTBT itself still has PLENTY of game breaking exploits including duping.

    They do that while still using very lengthy mods such as Thaumcraft and EE3.

  6. Currently, the only adventure mods there are in the Technic Launcher are really Hexxit and Hack Slash Mine.


    Hack Slash Mine was discontinued and could have been very enjoyable if it wasn't. There are quite a number of enjoyable systems there that should be fleshed out.


    Hexxit is really just dull, easy, and lacks depth. The more noticable portions of it are the Hexxit Armors, Twilight Forest, and the dungeons around the world. The Hexxit Armor was really quite easy to acquire if you knew where to find it and granted you abilities that make much of the game very easy. The Twilight Forest, although expansive and beautiful, only had a few noticable areas that repeated often. None of the dungeons are particularly interesting and often waste time. It really lost its charm after the first month it released, which was the time I played before it bored me.


    Why do we have to settle for such a mediocre modpack? Its balancing was flawed and to be honest, the only reason it stands out is because it is the only recent one.

  7. That's fine for PvP that happens unexpectedly in the wild - the biggest issue is the other ways a witch specifically can mess with you and their ability to avoid that exact situation with ease if they want (otherwhere infusion with a circle talisman and waystone prepared mean they can teleport past you somewhere hard to spot, set up a circle and leave before you can find them again).


    If you haven't tried guns in PvP flying combat, you should (something not too inaccurate that does passable damage, the semi-auto assault rifles), simply don't let the other player get close enough to you - it shouldn't matter how much damage their sword does as even if you only hit them a few times before you screw up and they close in on you you're able to switch to your own sword with an advantage (although at the moment in B-Team it's mostly down to who has more hearts because of how crazy that can go).  If you chase them in a straight line you get hit by the wands slow spell, if you move on an angle to avoid it you can't even keep up, let alone catch up (unless they're bad with the wand, they slow down while casting - but the slow spell is a ridiculously easy flick).


    You're talking about a player who is generally powerful, they've got good morphs, they've got a bunch of useful genes, they also happen to do some witchery so has death poppets.  I'd kind of assumed the issue here is a player who's not primarily a PvP powerhouse but uses voodoo dolls or curses, more a witch being a nuisance than a murderous PvPer.  None of those suggestions help at all if they're cursing you left and right, throwing you around with a voodoo doll and not doing much else - you may never even see them in person at all.  They can be really dangerous if they decide to teleport you to them and use traps (you're very rarely prepared for suddenly being teleported to a room in some pit in the middle of nowhere on the moon where the witch drops gravel ore on you as soon as you spawn - the witch leaves via another circle and never actually fights you directly).



    Edit: I'm waffling a bit - but what I'm trying to say is that there's a very passive aggressive side to witchery, not as powerful as regular aggressive, but still dangerous and very annoying.  You really do need witchery to protect yourself from that.  It allows players who otherwise hate PvP to get involved and make a nuisance of themselves.

    personally, I don't face much of a problem with being prepared due to my style of PVP centering around me being the one in control

    guns are really meh for me, I cover distance with Otherwhere infusion and if I cannot finish it easily in aerial combat I will teleport them to an arena. sometimes if I have a taglock of them I just repeatedly bone needle them so their movement is impaired.

    if you do end up running out of Voodoo Protection dolls for youself (which you should get plenty of as they are rather easy to create) then that is a good time to retreat as that is a major disadvantage

    I don't usually deal with enemies that are just nuisances. Unless I really feel a need to kill them, I'll just continue going along. The effort's not worth it for someone only into Witchery.


    dealing with passive aggressive Witchery really is just a matter of developing your own Witchery skills. use Otherwhere to get out of traps or even just brute force it if you have enough hearts.

  8. Wouldn't you say rapier was better for PvP, DS, or are there armours available in this that negate that whole 'ignore armour' ability it has?


    Also, do you think the slower attack-rate of the cleaver makes it still worth it to use in general against mobs (if you're not head farming)?  Given the amount of damage boost you get from sharpness it seems like the faster swing speed would make a difference for DPS, but I know you've actually tried a bunch of this stuff in PvP on BTeam recently so I'd like to hear your opinion on that.

    due to multipliers you can get, Cleaver can one-shot all of the bosses currently in AOTBT and more including players in full Prot V

    rapier is better if you need to kill multiple players or they keep respawning


    I use a Cleaver as a general all purpose tool, but I pull out the other ones in my backpack if I feel like I really need to, which doesn't usually happen

    Cleaver isn't actually all that slower than regular weapons, to be honest

    a Longsword or Broadsword could be a good medium between speed and damage


    more advanced players know that health > armor, so Cleaver is a good one shotter

    Rapier, again, does have its uses which is why they are both one of the tools in my hotbar

  9. The best of anything when it comes to tinkers' construct depends on your preference and exactly what it is you're attempting to do.


    Best for general mining? Hammer in most cases, pick in others, have high durability, good speed, maybe with silky so a tool later on with fortune can mine ore blocks like diamond, coal, etc

    Best for netherrack mining? Hammer with high durability (manyullyn) and high speed with 1 repair (since you wont be using it too much if its only for netherrack)

    Best for nether brick farming via netherrack? Same as above, but with the auto-smelt ability on the hammer as well

    Best for attacking _____? Cleaver with ____ enchantment that deals more damage toward that mob type (smite for undead, athropods for spiders, etc) as this will be dealing more damage than the sharpness version could

    Best for attacking players? Rapier with high damage output (sharpness)



    That list is by no means the best of the best, and by no means the "generalized" best. Whatever someone considers as best, can be considered bad by someone else, there is just no real answer to this question as again, it boils down to what you prefer and what your exact goal to achieve is.

    This is a good general guide.

    Personally, I always have a Pick with me as well.

    If you're just farming a large group of mobs, use a Scythe.

    Rapier and Cleaver end up being interchangable for players depending on what they use once you know your way around tools and such.

    I don't really like ANY of the specific mob damagers as Cleaver's damage with Sharpness is more than enough.

  10. The way you guys are going about this is so complicated.

    PvP is PvP.

    Use your smallest morph.

    Have death protection poppets in case they do as well.

    Just keep hitting them.

    If you want to, prepare with Taglocks.

    I've never used guns, they're rather inaccurate and deal such low damage.

    If you want to quickly get rid of their poppets, use a rapier.

    Wand spells are unlikely to get you when you're flying around as a super small fish or whatever.

  11. Personally, my grinder setup has always been


    Natural spawners moved with Portaspawner or another item that provide initial Mob Essence and various drops using Grinder

    previous Mob Essence is used to spawn bosses with an Auto-Spawner, killed with Autonomous Activator because bosses give a ton of EXP

    all the excess Mob Essence is routed to a cell of Resonant tanks that provide Mob Essence for all the spawners I have including some other ones of mobs that aren't in natural spawners

  12. The treadmills are another good source of energy as well as they are very compact, doesn't use many resources, and useful for just pure energy creation like the solar panels.

    However, other sources of infinite energy provide side benefits that you'll eventually need which is why mob grinders are good in general.

  13. although really unlimited, I don't like Magmatic Dynamos using Netherrack as they are not automatic.

    This set-up is nice, but I would replace Skeletons with Wither Skeletons to feed the coal from that into your pulverizer as well.

    I use a general Tree Farm -> Steam setup, easy to set up and creates plenty of power. I ended up having a Deep Storage Unit of coal pretty quickly. It's my personal favorite as I use my mob grinders for bosses.

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