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Everything posted by fufnulius

  1. Thx i helped but not fully i'll show you a printscreen later with the new problem. Some blocks vanilla some sphax.
  2. Watch yogscast: tekkit. They made a sorting system don't know the episode though
  3. Did you try to reset the mod pack?
  4. Have you tried to reset the pack? And maybe it's a hamachi server.
  5. So you have lag problems?? Well if it is that you should try to give more RAM to tekkit, you can fin it on youtube how to do it. Hope it helped.
  6. CAn't you just block them?
  7. Have you tried to reset the modpack?
  8. Hey all, When i want to change texture packs in tekkit (sphax) it crashes. So i go to texture packs, then i click the sphax texture pack but then it crashes. Pls help me cause i need this texture pack to play minecraft/tekkit classic. The original one makes me feel sick, pls help. Thx in advance. GRTZ
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