Minecraft username: Jryzerman19
Age (be honest - there's no shame): I am 15 years old but tend to be more mature about things then my actual age.
Where did you find out about this server? On the technic forums
Why do you wish to join this server? I would like to join your server because I am a youtuber and im looking to expand my horizons from just doing vanilla to other mods to! Also I like to surround myself with older people because I feel that I fit in with older people better. I also like to do things with a community of people rather than just by myself! I also would like to gain a few friends out of this! I am also whitelisted on a vanilla server and tend to be on there a lot! I have made quite a few friends from being on that server! I hope you consider me thank you!
Do you have any prior knowledge of the B-Team Modpack? I do not but I tend to like to learn things as I go!
What do you hope to try out / achieve on the server? I plan to achieve things like make a few friends, and also do some things for the community and also to expand my minecraft knowledge and my minecraft horizons.
Cake or Death? Death.