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About Aragaith

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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  1. can't help you with nova catalysts, but nukes and nucleare reactors explosions are dealt with in the ic2 config file, change both to a value of 4 and it should be the same as a normal tnt explosion.
  2. thanks for helping me :)

  3. this is an issue with EE2 and forestry, which is said on the forestry wiki how to fix. EE2 has an outdated forestry API in it, you need to open it's jar/zip and delete the forestry folder. http://forestry.sengir.net/wiki/index.php?n=Main.Downloads "If you are using mods incorporating the Forestry API (like ExtraBiomesXL and EE2): Remove the forestry/-Folder from their jars/zips to fix API clashes ("java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: stump")."
  4. make sure they are using the proper client version to connect, i've seen errors like that when there's client/server version mismatches
  5. it's always needed fuel while flying or using the pushback aura.
  6. are you using equiv exchange items? if so that is why, if you have a klein star make sure its in the upper left spot of your inventory so it is used instead of the coal/redstone.
  7. looks like the error is from additionalpipes, should make a thread in the bug section. you're probably not using java7
  8. server-side needs to update the redpower port to the latest revision on mcportcentral.
  9. grab an updated revision of the serverside ic2 jar from mcportcentral. http://mcportcentral.co.za/wiki/index.php?title=Ports_for_1.2.5 you want ic2 1.95b R2
  10. Worldedit. /remove items <radius> that will clear out all fallen item entities within the radius you specify from your character.
  11. possible the changing time of day breaks redstone bug still exists, is the servers time being messed with?
  12. on server, buildcraft/config/buildcraft.cfg in general: mining.enabled=true change that to false and the recipes for miners and quarries are disabled, not sure if crafttable 3 will still bypass this like craft table 2 used to do. also realize that you will need to have some way for people to get miners to make pumps.
  13. NEI's search bar has a yellow outline? you doubled clicked it and its not in highlight mode for whatever its currently searching, double click it again to remove the yellow border and it will undim everything.
  14. the allow things in the EE config file only disable the recipes, and craft table 2 bypasses this for some dumb reason so you may want to just remove that mod all together. can't help with the permission stuff though, since disabling the recipes has disallowed people from making those items on my server.
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