I'm applying for myself (DJ_Locks) and my younger sister (babyblue1717 aka BB).
IGN: DJ_Locks and babyblue1717
Age: We are 27 and 21 respectively. I'm much more mature than 27 though, and BB... Well, I can keep BB in line, lol. JK, she'll kill me if she sees that I wrote that!
Why do you want to join: We've been playing AOBT on another server for about a month now. But the server's future has become uncertain and lag has become a serious issue so we're looking for a new place to build stuff and have fun.
Strengths in Minecraft: I'm pretty proficient with the project red item system, and can help other people get set up. BB loves doing builds and especially loves microblocks... We didn't see her for a few days after she realized she could do mini-pixel art!
How many years have you been playing MC: About 6 months each.
How much will you be playing: I usually put in 1-2 hours after work during the week, BB does more during the week, and we both play quite a bit on the weekend.
Microphone: Yes and yes.
Will you be posting vids to Youtube: That's the plan, eventually. I'm a bit of a noob at the video making, but it's coming along.
Youtube channel: Not yet, BUT SOON!
If you need anything else hit me up on Skype.. nathan.shaw66
That's about it really, hope to see everyone on the server!