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Posts posted by Turgle

  1. Haha touche, I've heard of that before :)


    Off topic, I went to the Moon, and the text didn't come up telling me I needed to slow down so now I've lost my best sword, my best pick, my Resonant Strongbox full of supplies for the Moon and apparently Enhanced Portals don't accept modifiers up there. Needless to say I feel kinda cheated out, and I can't easily replace my lost tools either.

    And I spent so long preparing for it :(

  2. Also the part where Dark and Red Matter hasn't been in Equivalent Exchange since EE2 back in Minecraft 1.2.5 and Attack of the B-Team runs on Minecraft 1.6.4.

    It hasn't? To be honest I haven't used EE2 since I played Tekkit Classic back when it wasn't Tekkit Classic, more specifically before Hexxit was around and when Hack / Mine was really new.

  3. Alright so I was wondering what is needed to be done for Coven Witches to join your Coven.

    I've made a Seer's Stone, I have a cat familiar, I've done the Infusion of Light, I've killed a Demon and I've defeated the Horned Huntsman. Is there nothing I can do to prove I am skilled in the art?

  4. I mainly use them to maintain the look of a building without it being ruined by pipes/ducts. I love how hollow microblocks interact with pipes. However, I've started using them a little bit for some slabs without using Carpenter's Blocks for the same task simply because it cut the resources in half.


    But once you get going with them, say goodbye to a sorted inventory.

  5. When you have the Technic Launcher up, click the little cog next to the Attack of the B-Team option on the left of the screen, then set it to select build manually. After that, select the latest build (1.0.10) and then proceed to play.


    Beware though, there may be bugs so back up your worlds!

  6. I like the blaze - it's fireproof, the same size as a person and it can wear hats!


    It's a hostile mob too, so depending on the server settings other mobs might ignore you.  Just... it's easy to forget not to jump into water, and getting caught in the rain hurts!

    Yeah once I killed a Blaze it was on my favourites list along with the bat in case it rained, but as I said I really don't use morphs now that I can swim in lava, fly and do various other things ^-^

  7. I'm just curious about what everyone is doing in AotBT. Just post what mods you've started, what you want to start, and your progression of the mod.

    Also, post screenshots of your base or something you've encountered! It can help give other inspiration and allows you to show off something neat you've seen.


    For me, I've made a good deal of progress through Tinkers' Construct, MineFactory Reloaded, Advanced Genetics and Thermal Expansion. I am looking to get started on Galacticraft really soon, and Witchery after that.


    For Tinkers' Construct I've got what I'm assuming most have: Cleaver, Battleaxe, Hammer, Pickaxe, Shovel and Lumber Axe.


    In Advanced Genetics I've injected the Teleporter, Fly, Keep your inventory, No-fall, Speed, Jump, Avoid Creepers and Lava Swim genes.

    Recently I obtained 4 Resonant Strongboxes, which have proven to be helpful.


    And if you've found a Full Guard from a village for Tinkers' Construct you should create a Manyullyn Cutlass with a paper tool rod, give it Auto Repair and max out Sharpness. That kinda thing can 1 hit a Creeper, Skeleton, Zombie, Spider, Blaze, etc, etc.

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