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Everything posted by khaotic19

  1. khaotic19 here I'm looking for a small group of people to play with as i am a constantly playing either vanilla minecraft or tekkitlite. It would be nice to play with less people as i don't particularly like griefers.
  2. IGN: khaotic19 Real Name: Billy Age: 20 Rate your Tekkit Knowledge 1-10: 7 Explain your rating: I know alot about Buildcraft and Industrialcraft and always strive to make efficent power production and storage. Why would you like to join our community? I prefer being a part of a smaller Tekkit community so i dont have to worry about going on a servers that don't care about the players that join. What could you bring to our community: A decent amount of knowledge in buildcraft and industrialcraft. Any thoughts on the perks mentioned above? Towny is a excellent. Other thoughts: Everything has the makings of a good server.
  3. Name: khaotic19 Age: 20 Why I want to join: prefer smaller close knit servers
  4. 1. What is your in game name: khaotic19 2. How old are you: 20 3. What Timezone: Est 4. Experience in tekkit classic: about 6 months 5.Voice chat: can use teamspeak 6.Would you rather use it: not really but can if required 7.I would prefer to use teamspeak
  5. i would like to be whitelisted ign: khaotic19
  6. IGN: khaotic19 Age: 20 Country: USA Tekkit Experience: About 1 year Reason Why?; I prefer smaller servers with friendly people
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