Your IGN: austinman22
What is your age? 16
Why do you want to join this server? ATOBT is a fantastic modpack that i feel would be much more fun with a small group of friendly people
Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? I am primairly a crafter who builds things based on my interests in the modpack
What do you expect from this server? A friendly community where I can build and play without fear of being greifed although i do enjoy a good prank from time to time
Are you going to record? I dont plan on it but you never know
Are you willing to donate? If my experience on the server is enjoyable then yes
Are you good at building? I am very creative so if i have the time and i really have an idea there isnt much i cant do
How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? I have been playing since day one and have a very fluent understanding of the witchery mod and builds centered around that
Wolf or lion? wolf