Your IGN: TheNick08
What is your age? 14 but thinks more critically XD
Why do you want to join this server? I just enjoy whitelisted servers. Like come on, who wants to play on overcrowded servers in terms of these aspects. The world gets too messy and you need to go far far far far away from spawn inorder to build your own base. It just becomes unplayable.
Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? Builder, but I can go for all 3 of them. That's what minecraft's all about :DD
What do you expect from this server? I expect it to be like a community :DD since it is whitelisted. Seeing people working with each other and being able to see trust makes minecraft more enjoyable.
Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) No, I'm just here to play :/
Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) Actually, it depends XD
Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) Yes, that's my favorite aspect in playing minecraft XD. Being creative and making your imagination come to "life" XD
How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? Well just the simple things like the carpenter mod.
Wolf or lion? Wolf ><