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mods_of_mc's Achievements
Grass (2/9)
IGN:mods_of_mc Age:15 Do you record:yes i do but not often Could you donate (does not affect your chances):yes i could donate every month What would you do on the server:i would just try to be the helpful person who does not ask for anything in return and just try to be nice. Why would you want to join this server:the reason i want to join the server is because if its white-listed then it would be a nice little community where people can make videos and have fun with the other players and not have random griefers or random cheaters. What do you love most about AoTBT: well the witchery mod and most of the mods because it lets you customize your own experince and play the way you want to.want to be a witch use the witchery mod.want to be a blacksmith/miner? use the smeltery/tconstruct mods. thanks for reading! have a nice day.