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Everything posted by JZTech101

  1. I got all the furniture from a mod known as Jammy Furniture: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1098808-v36-125-forge-smp-jammy-furniture-mod/. (Yes I am that lazy) Oh and by the way, after much consideration, I reinstalled the thaumcraft mod and am in the process of the turning the main floor of the EE2 center into a thaumcraft center.
  2. I actually plan on keeping recreational stuff in the house. The industrial stuff belongs in what I call the workplace. Any who, remember the Volcano I was using for my geothermal generators? I might need a new one. My house is no longer empty! This is the pool This is the living room This is the kitchen And lastly, this is the dining room. UPDATE: Using teleport pipes + engine generator + MFSU to get power from Home base :)
  3. Developer, Designer, Engineer

  4. WARNING: blackhole chests will corrupt your world in the version of Tubestuff that is included with Technic, you need to upgrade it manually. Blackhole chests aren't accesible through all. They have unlimited storage. Ender chests are the ones accessible through the ones with the same dye colors. (You dye three lines on top to get separate ender chests. On a happier note, thanks Soltaro! I use EE only because of the rarity of some items and the pain in the ass it is to mine them. As for power, well I try to make sure I don't run out of power when playing around with Heavy duty machines like quarrys and such. I just have a question, what do you suggest I do with the 2nd and 5th floor? EDIT: Make that, I have no clue what to do with the 5th floor. I have the 2nd floor as my new portal room with three TF2 teleporters in it currently. Try not to duplicate post. The reason I'd made it into a EE center is because I didn't want to deal with thaumcraft and the possibility of a tainted land. I'm hoping with TC3, I won't need to deal with that. (I do a lot of mining and experimentation). But as of right now, it is removed from my technic pack. In its place, I added quite a few additional mods.
  5. Is it possible to taint the end?
  6. In this post I'll walk you guys through a photo tour of what how I've been improving this map. (Or at least in my opinion). First off, the one I've discussed more than any other in this thread would be what use to be the processing room. I've renamed it to be the IC2/RP center. The very first thing I did was removed all the existing generators and make them batboxes in the machine room. The one in processing room was just simply removed and the line is now a direct connection to the power supply on the roof. This is one side of the roof of IC2/RP Center. On top you see the MFSUs. I'll show you the HV Solar Arrays atop in a few moments. Hooked up to the MFSU is the MV Transformer, and then the LV Transformer, which then is hooked up to the power source. On the floor you'll find geothermal generators. These, I have still not been able to get working due the pump refusing the pump lava to through any pipes. UPDATE: I got the lava pump working. I found the major source block and now the lava is being pump . I'd post a screen shot, but really, my mistake was building the platform before looking for the source block. So, I deleted with platform with Worldedit, found the source block and rebuild the platform around it. This is the other side of the roof. On the floor, you'll find my energy links which convert IC2 energy to BC energy. This energy is then transported to the forestry farm via teleported pipes. As promised, here is the outside view of the IC2/RP center. Here you'll find two rows of HV Solar Arrays. In the middle is the bluelectric solar panels. Here we find what was originally three crafting benches. There is one project table, one crafting table III and one transmutation tablet. This is the final upgrade I made to the IC2/RP center. All of the chests are now blackhole chests with unlimited storage. (I upgrade the tubestuff mod manually because the version that was included didn't have the bugfixes) Here is another use for the HV Solar Array. This one is hooked up to a terraformer with the cultivation tfbp. This is the result. Much better than the previous don't ya think? Certainly less plain. And yet another use. This one uses the power supply on the roof the IC2/RP Center. What you see below is the pumpkin farm hooked up to the power supply via teleport pipes. (Yes, I did manually install the forestry mod as well) And here we have the wheat farm. Similar principle to the pumpkin farm. One question though, what should I do with the cow? I have three of these in the EE2 Center main floor. These produce Red Matter, Dark Matter and Diamond. In the EE2 Center Basement we have my Klein Star Farm. Then on the top floor, we have my enchantment room. The inside of said enchantment room Lastly, we have my bedroom. This is all I have in it for now. So, what do you all think? Any Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
  7. How does taint in the nether look? I've never even seen it. On another note, I've modified the TC2 Building in Project Horizon to be an EE2 building with a klein star farm and a Diamond/Red Matter/Dark Matter Farm. :)
  8. One of the many reasons I have removed the TC2 Mod. I don't want to worry about taint/vis charges while playing around with the other mods. I cheated a goggles of revealing in while I still had the mod and saw that the average is 75/25 charge. And for the taint to go up 50% isn't that hard.
  9. Yes, Yes. You will need an MV Transformer hooked up to an LV Transformer which then can be hooked up to the machines. (An easier solution would be to acquire transformer upgrades). I personally lined the roof with LV Solar Arrays, which are hooked up to bat boxes, which are hooked into the main power supply. I got rid of the generators because I prefer clean energy. One more thing to note, batboxes are IndustrialCraft, whereas battery boxes are redpower. I think they need blutricity. To all you "pros" out there: PLEASE DO NOT INSULT boesshawn. (I am still convinced some of you will ignore this message)
  10. Couldn't agree more. I have several reasons for it, but the one major one is that I prefer to start a mine with a rather large explosion. I've found 4-5 TNTs is the best. And two, underneath your base means that any accidents that happen could mean you saying Good bye to the base On another note, anyone have an idea as to why I am having trouble harvesting the lava from the volcano? I setup a line of geothermal generators on the roof of the processing room. Each one is connected by a glass fibre cable to the main power line. On the other side of it, I hooked up cobblestone waterproof pipes. On the line of water proof pipes, I hooked up about 7 waterproof teleport pipes. On the top of the volcano, I put an obsidian cover type thing on top of it. There I put the pump which I hooked up to the redstone engine on one side and a waterproof teleport + transport pipes on the other. After the setup, I powered on the redstone engine. No lava came out after 5 minutes of waiting. EDIT: I forgot to mentioned I made sure there was a source block under the pump by personally adding one in.
  11. Actually, I've replaced all of them with black hole chests. Works Awesomely. :)
  12. As said before, the version of Optifine that comes with technic in all honesty, is trash. (No offense to anyone). In the link here, you find Optifine Smooth and Optifine Multicore. I recommend Multicore. It is what I use. Though if you run into problems with it, you could always try smooth. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...b1-fps-boost-hd-textures-aa-af-and-much-more/ Where ever it says place into Minecraft.jar, you'll need to place into modpack.jar. (in other words everything in the archive needs to go to modpack.jar.) This upgrade a hit/miss. The good news is you can always swap between, Multicore, Smooth and Standard (the one that comes with technic and works like absolute garbage, no offense to anyone).
  13. There already is an underground bunker in called the machine room. And anyways, nuclear reactors are useless if you ask me. You are constantly force to put uranium cells/coolant cells in it. Then your worrying about a nuke-powered explosion because you might not have Cooled-it properly. Same in real life as well. Since I don't have the money to do such things in real life. (I am only 15). I thought I'd at least start in Minecraft. I pulled the plug on the generator found in the workbenches pulled a glass fibre cable to the roof of the place. There I lined the roof with LV Solar Arrays and Batbox beneath them. In the machine room, I cut the wire to the generators and put a square of batboxes where the generators were, hooking them up to the main glass fibre cable in the ceiling. (Merged the cables together, to poke only two holes. On from the roof to the place where the former generators sat. The other main line in the ceiling of the machine room to the place where the former generators sat there. I am actually thinking about swapping to HV Solar panels and MFSUs to send more energy down the pipeline to the Mass Fabricators, Rotary Macerators, etc. EDIT: Just did some research, if the only thing swapping the HV Solar pannels and MFSUs will help is the Mass Fabricator and Induction Furnce, I'm not doing it. I'm going to use the RM furnace soon with an MK3 Energy Collector once I stack up on the materials needed. As for the Mass Fabricator... I've never needed or used it. The Diving rod is much more useful and fun.
  14. Optifine? http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/249637-131-optifine-hd-b1-fps-boost-hd-textures-aa-af-and-much-more/ Where ever it says place into Minecraft.jar, you'll need to place into modpack.jar. (in other words everything in the archive needs to go to modpack.jar.) This upgrade a hit/miss. The good news is you can always swap between, Multicore, Smooth and Standard (the one that comes with technic).
  15. KK. Though I will add that the last reason I might have no lag is because I upgraded Optifine to the Multi-core Version. Though I do have about 78 mods around. (Thats the reason I install Optifine Multi-Core in the first place) And quick question, what are the colorful wires for? (The one next to the glass fibre cable and bluelectric one in the roof of the house
  16. I don't have any lag except for the first few minutes of the game. Based on what you said, there are two possibilities, the mobs (which actively hunt you ONLY on survival) or the generators. I've swapped the generators for two lines of solar panels on the roof and swapped all the torches for interdiction torches. (They keep out mobs)
  17. Quick question, where would you find the huge mine, you said was near the vicinity of the facility?
  18. I put pipes in the sorting machines and can't find them in any of chests, where would they be? EDIT: I found them piping out into the overflow chest after I shut off the sorting machine. EDIT 2: Ok, now I've learned that the sorting machines are only useful for mined materials, not crafted ones. Its not OP's fault, its the fact, there are too many to be all sorted.
  19. I will add one more thing though, perhaps you should consider switching all the chests to crystal one as there the ones with the most storage. (Different colors also mean different storage capacity) EDIT: To keep out mobs, I've swapped all the torches in this map for interdiction torches.
  20. Wow, I'm asking a lot of questions today. Any who, what are blocks on the floor of the machine room? I accidentally broke a few And why do my minecarts for the elevator and sorting room keep disappearing?
  21. Thanks! I'm upgrading them all to LV Solar Arrays at the moment I'm the kinda guy that likes to go green in every single place possible. (That includes games)
  22. Its fine, but I've noticed there are luminators around the building, are those being powered by the machine room as well?
  23. Ya know, if you'd read my post you see that I mentioned LV (Low Voltage Solar Arrays). In other words I would add my own. Is the machine room where all the power IC2-wise is coming from? Or is there another place?
  24. Just a quick question, what are the voltages of the glass fibre cables, and What are the places I should go to modify all of the power input to LV Solar Arrays? (Industrial Craft)
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