The Hexplore-it creator, mine_my_own_bizz, temporarily lost access to posting here after switching his contact email because the validation system is down.
He asked if I would post this here on his behalf.
Hexplore-It 1.7.10 will start testing/building now. Find it here and start tweaking.[1]
Bare in mind this WILL be VERY crashy and VERY buggy!
This is just meant as a place to start. The only tweaking done thus far has been to make the pack launch-able/playable.
I am looking for and feedback as usual but I am more looking for assistance this time. I will need help with configs, key-bindings, mob-spawning limits, drops loot, etc...
I could also use assistance soon with ideas for lore and a questing system. I plan to build custom structures to spawn in the world. My hope is to even include custom NPCs in that as well.
There are many mods currently included with duplicate components and many mods that are merely for the building of the pack that won't make into the end result obviously.
I will probably use this instead of Solder for the time being for simplicity's sake.
Feel free to use the discussion tab to conversate on this.
Let the long, hard work begin!!!