Hey guys,
This maybe a bit late but I have heard of you before on YouTube and would love to start recording Youtube vids on my Minecraft gameplay. I have started playing Attack of the Bteam and love those guys to pieces as they are just so hilarious to watch! I am sorry I can not help you with your Server hosting but i would love to be part of a server community type of thing which I'm sure your trying to create. I feel as though you can get very burned out on single player minecraft simply because there is no sense of community and fun like you get out of building community structures and have funny collabs together. I would love to join the server and play along side you guys My eamil address is will.gs@hotmail.co.uk so contact me anytime but I am at school doing exams and such during the day from around 8:30 - 3:00 UK time. Cheers!