IGN: Anaua
Age: 27
Skype: Yes
How often are you able to play: Usually every day after work assuming I'm not held up.
Youtube channel and are you interested in recording (saying yes makes no difference to application, just curious): https://www.youtube.com/user/rouleflame/videos, I record from time.
Which mod pack/s are you most interested in: Big Dig and AotBT
What type of builder are you, technical, creative? If you are able to provide a link to something you've built and want to show off please do: A bit of both
And the final common question, why do you want to join? No, I'm not really asking that. If you are responding then I guess you are looking to play this great mod pack online with others, but if you do want to say something then feel free.
Just looking for a server with mature players