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Posts posted by randomchance

  1. Excellent.  Total glass case it is! :)


    Going to have to sort out my coolant then.  The 4 blocks leave air gaps in the corners that I will have to deal with.  I assume the best strategy with ender is to place a complete layer across the top of the reactor?  Cryo would require a source block in every space?


    I have the resources for tesseracts, so that is probably the easiest way to join them together.  I will have to do more research on how to actually assemble a turbine.  Do you then take the coolant out of the reactor and use the external cooling only?


    My power system is currently not set up to handle more than a redstone energy conduit worth of power 2k RF/t, so I would most likely cycle this on and off by monitoring an ender cell.  Once I get higher loads, I can look at running it on a more permanent basis.  Does the reactor/turbine have a limit to its output or is it infinite RF/t?

  2. jakalth, your post made me finally launch in and start a bigreactor on the server I am on.  I had enough resources from the nightly quarries, so jumped straight to 7x7x5 OD.  I have run across a few questions and problems.


    1. Does reactor glass/vents/controllers have the same heat dissipation as reactor wall?  I try and locate the controller/ports as far away from the fuel as possible.

    2. Cryo is still a bit of a limit.  At the moment I have used 4 buckets of liquid ender tipped in at the top of each corner of the star.  Does flowing ender count as cooling or only the source block?

    3. Eventually I will want to go to a turbine system.  The idea of bonding the reactor output straight to the turbine input has merit, but I am honestly unsure on how to start with a turbine or if this is a good beginner step.  It is something that is future works at this point as I don't have huge loads to supply at this stage.  Once I get 2 or 3 AE bridges going I can see this changing.


    Also not sure what you mean by 72RF/0.001mb.  That is a rate per mB not a generation rate in that configuration correct?  Somewhere around 10k RF/t I'm guessing.

  3. Deep storage units are awesome for a single type and cheap to boot.  Haven't found a reason to use Extra Utilities compression on anything with them in place from the initial turtle and pipe network when in a hovel, then moving them into the tower and attaching to ME network.


    The low lag way for dealing with liquids in quarries was to use a force field to displace the water before the quarry was set up.  Not sure if this is in the current Tekkit these days.  Anyway it is not something I use much quarrying over the ocean, which avoids 90% of the flowing liquid issues.


    After my last experience quarrying the nether I think I will avoid it entirely this time round, although the cobble latch idea Kotja suggested is quite a nifty (although labour intensive) solution.

  4. Good guide for a beginner.  Just a few tips to add:


    1. A redstone torch next to a land mark will shoot out tracer beams 64 in all directions.  This makes it trivial to place the other 2 landmarks.  To get the frame up, break the redstone torch and rclick the marker in the middle (same as HeatHunter said)


    2. I usually quarry over the ocean.  No blights on the landscape, instant obsidian, and being (mostly) static water, very little lag.  As for the oil, the pockets are fairly well contained in the water and can stay there.


    3. Using a bucket of monster essence will displace both oil and water if you get a decent cover.  Tip the bucket in the corner of the first layer and walk away and it will cover the entire area in 8 layers.  The only time lakes and oil become a problem is when they are in the sides, which is reasonably easily dealt with by bricking them up.


    4. Deep storage units and itemduct are pretty easy to get up early.  You can make a primitive sorting system to get rid of the cobble/dirt/sand/gravel to leave you with roughly a double chest of good stuff from a 62x62 quarry.  Upgrade to ender chests asap to save having to move the DSU/pipes each time.


    5. Energy production is a bit tricky early on without using the bugged generators.  I usually use a few energy cells.  1 hardened cell roughly equals a double chest of stuff.  Tesseracts are the way to go later on for energy.


    6. Mining in the nether is a complete mess.  You used to be able to use oil/sludge/sewage to deal with the lava but it is still problematic.  Oil tends to catch on fire (still does the job though).  Nether also seems to have a peculiar habit of leaving stray columns of netherrack in the middle of the quarry, not sure why.  Admittedly this was in 1.2.7, haven't tried 1.2.8.

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