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Everything posted by EnderBoss33853

  1. Ingame name: EnderBoss33853 How long you have played mc/b-team: Mc:over a year BTeam: 7 months? How often you >play mc/b-team: Every weekend (im grounded right now) Age: 12 Other information: I can help out any newbies on the server i know alot about almost every mod and if i need help i would apreciate it if some one could give me that help. finaly i cant spell that well...
  2. IGN: EnderBoss33853 Age: 12 Do you record: no Could you donate (does not affect your chances): maybe What would you do on the server: build, create, and explore. maybe prank a little Why would you want to join this server: because it could be a fun server to play on What do you love most about AoTBT: All the mods to explore
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