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  1. Grizzly Modded Server To I am here to introduce the Grizzly modded server, it is a private mod pack, and server. We currently are looking to have new players join to help not only make the server more enjoyable, but make the pack better to. We want great players, people who love to play modded Minecraft. I myself have invest a lot of hours in working on the pack and making a great, not all I am missing is players for the server. The server has been up for a little bit the players I had playing where never active, I don't even think they logged on once. So if you want to find a great private modded community server here is one. The terrain is pretty much untouched spawn is in a pretty nice location, so good build I hope to see one day, and the pack is private and I can update with any suggestions given. *The private pack link won't be given to you until you have been accepted on to the server*. Also if you do not have Skype (The name will be kept private. and/or Team Speak I will not accept the application. I have a private Team Speak just for the server so no worries.) Application How long have you been playing modded minecraft? : How long have you been playing Minecraft in general? : Are you old than 15 years old? *Do not give your age, just yes or no*: Have you ever been banned from a server? : If answer is yes, than why?: Would you be able to join in on team meetings. on team speak 3 or skype?: Would you join in on community events?: Do you have a YouTube Channel?: If so what's your channel link & Do you plan on making videos on the server?: Do you Stream on Twitch or like services? If so what's the link? & Do you play on streaming on the server?: What's your all time favorite mod? How experienced are you will mods or modded minecraft? : How often will you be able to play?: I know this application seems a little funny, but we really want the best players we can get. I can't wait to start talking to some of you about join on the server! Just a side note we do have a private skype chat, and a private paid for Team Speak 3 server, and the server is 24/7! ~~~ Brendon ~~~~ A.k.a Rionix
  2. IGN: bbrendonray Age (no restrictions on age): 16 Experience level (with AotBT and/or MC):AotBT: New MC: Really experienced What you are looking for in a server: I want a fun small community in which I can trust people not to steal and we can all have fun!
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