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  1. a mod suggestion the mini-map mod you have on take that off and put zans mini-map on it shows players and there names and you can set a waypoint and when you go deep it shows the map of that like if I go in a cave it would show the map of the cave and also install optifine(runs minecraft smoother and reduces lag and allow you to zoom in) Optfine:http://optifine.net/downloads.php Zan mini-map:http://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/zans-minimap/
  2. tub is there a time when mostly lots of people come online. if there is then. when is it
  3. maphera how the heck do you make the image of the pedguin move
  4. techtub how come nobody is on the server I mean like there's like 1000+ views and 1000+ replies but no people on is really weird
  5. thank god this did not happen when I was on(I just downloaded the modpack)
  6. Username:nicky242 Age:9 Location:Canada Have you ever been banned from any servers?:no Can you read and write English (Note, Rules are in English)?:yes What’s Rule Number Seven?:obey staff(mods,operators etc.) Summarize your MC/Tekkit Experience:bought minecraft,found tekkit,found out basic machines,picked favorite mod etc.
  7. IGN:nicky242 Reason you want to join:beause I feel like I should just take a break from vanilla and play tekkit and I feel that playing on a white-list server will make me feel safer so there is no griefing Age(optional): Favorite Mod:buildcraft,morph,mine factory reloaded etc. Favorite thing to do in minecraft:explore,build and just play around Youtube: Building Ability on scale of 1 to 10:7 but I do like Trying to build new things Time zone:Eastern Time Do you want to participate in the UHC?:I don't really think that I would do it
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