Minecraft Name: IgnisWolf
Skype Name (required): Natsuwolf / samer yazbeck
Age: 15
Experience with Attack of the BTeam! (1-10): i have been playing it for a while and so i would say i am a 8 or a 9
Favorite Mod: witchery and TC
Have you reviewed any mods? nope
Do you plan to record? no
What should you love? ocelots .
What do you like to do in Minecraft? explore and sometimes build
Why do you want to be on our server? because it s fun to play with other and what best then a small communitie to play in , it could be fun to play with other and have fun together / help each other . and also the rules are just perfect and no item are banned
What else should we know about you? well i am planning on playing a lot and meanwhile planning on helping any one that is in need if i can