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Everything posted by Pugsley

  1. I'm sorry, I believe I assemble modpacks. I don't bug fix them for you. Please stop spaming this thread, and have fun with your modpack. Thank you.
  2. Hello, First off, World Guard requires permissions to set a region. You need World Edit (World editor) to do this. So I don't recommend World Guard for player to player basis. That is more for admins to protect a spawn from grief, etc. Their are Protection Stones, and numerous other really good protection plugins. It really goes around preference. I really love Protection Stones, as it works amazing with other mods and you can add stuff to protect. By default it only protections vanilla chests, etc. I highly recommend a rollback plugin such as, Core Protect, Prism, LogBlock, etc these are great for rolling back any grief you might have. Permissions, I personally use bPermissions. It really is about preference. They all do the same thing, so its really about what is appealing to you. Essentials is the top dog when it comes to "Commands" its widely used amongst servers, you could also use its Cousin, CommandBook. As for contract, I meant (Getting a share of profits, etc) a contract enforces that both sides commit to their agreement. In a case that you do get a donation and maybe back out of a (deal) then both sides are protected from damages. It will keep both parties calm, and at ease. Ofcourse you would have to be held to the agreement but you are more likely to find a experienced operator. This is all coming from my 1 year experience at Programming, Mods, Plugins, and running minecraft servers.
  3. Hello, I think I speak on behalf of anyone who would want to do this. You may want some kind of contract deal. If you are super serious about doing a great server, I have just a few suggestions. Don't make a minecraft server, just to make money. Its against the EULA, and it will turn players off, use them to make donations and don't restrict items via ranks. (against law). If your really serious about doing it, you should really start making your own plugins, etc as one of the things players love are custom plugins. It makes your server more unique and fun! Hire a team of builders (if your really serious) and build a good server spawn. First impressions are everything. This can run you 3 to 5 hundred dollars to get a really good spawn. Start small, grow a small player base. I can never emphasis this enough. If you try to go big in the first few months you will fail miserably. Grow your player base, slowly and surely. Most networks, started off being a small factions / creative server, so if you notice this pattern stick with it! Get a good team of staff, do not hire randomly people. When players start to join your network look out for really helpful and kind players. That would make very good staff. Treat your staff well, make sure they get to have fun too. They will work harder and overall increase the Moral of the server. Really make sure you do this!!! Use good ethic's, listen to what players want and really try your best to bring a unique, simple, and amazing area for people to play. - Pugs
  4. Now nobody is going to see the freakin Closed Post. I mean dude, you really could have used the god dang message feature that we have on these forums.
  5. Hello, Please provide a pastebin with the entire crash report, this is just a console log. Please use pastebin provide more details. Thanks, The man you just gave a heart attack.
  6. Due, to the fact your post is the most crappiest I've read on this entire thread. I am not even wasting my time to do your modpack. If you really want your modpack you would take the time and give the downloads links, and actually read the OP post.
  7. [----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] Thread Closed [----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] Anyone who posts a request, past this point will just be ignored. If you have submitted a request before this post, your request will be handled and sent to you. When I have more time to dedicate to this thread, I will consider reopening it to the public, until then I need to work on handling the current modpacks. Thank you. Anyone who has posted a modpack request, above. Please PM me and I will deliver your modpack to you that way. Thank you.
  8. There where about 300 ID Conflicts, nothing I can't fix, its just taking a bit longer than expected. There where also some mods within a zip, and some 1.7 mods in the 1.6 folder, so I'm trying to weed out all of those c:
  9. @MrTwister24's, since its pretty simple and he's been very patient. You make need to read the op again, I will not make more than one modpack per person. I believe stopmockingme has already made you a modpack. @Mrdew3
  10. @DyVy Your modpack should hopefully be done sometime today, its a very large modpack. You will need atleast 3GB of RAM and a decent GPU.
  11. Unless I morphed into a woman, in the past week I am still a guy. I am sorry you guys are angry, please understand I am doing these modpacks for free and trying to work on them in my free time. I understand people want modpacks, which is why I haven't abandoned the thread. Please understand this. Thank you.
  13. This thread isn't dead. I am just seriously lacking the time, and StopMockingMe hasn't been active. I really apologize for taking so long, please understand I am trying my best! life is really crazy ATM with High school prep.
  14. Didn't we do you a modpack before...?
  15. Check out the Modpack request thread! We'd be glad to help you out
  16. I appreciate your help! You are a life saver. <3
  17. Hey there! You didn't include links, and you should really fix your post! Also if you want your modpack to be done faster you can do the following: If you want your modpack to not take as long, you can go ahead and pre-download all the mods. Then just zip the file and put it on dropbox, etc. If you do that make sure you get all mods from either the Mod author's website or minecraft forums. And always get the latest versions. Don't worry about Forge or special folders.
  18. If you want your modpack to not take as long, you can go ahead and pre-download all the mods. Then just zip the file and put it on dropbox, etc. If you do that make sure you get all mods from either the Mod author's website or minecraft forums. And always get the latest versions. Don't worry about Forge or special folders.
  19. One pack per person. If you want your modpack to not take as long, you can go ahead and pre-download all the mods. Then just zip the file and put it on dropbox, etc. If you do that make sure you get all mods from either the Mod author's website or minecraft forums. And always get the latest versions. Don't worry about Forge or special folders.
  20. IF anyone wants to help out in this thread, making modpacks let me know! I am very busy and I just don't have as much time as I wish to devote to this thread. If you want to help out, I only ask that you know how to make a modpack...
  21. Read '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  22. Yea, sorry about that... derp! lol
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