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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Hey, I would like to play on this server as I am recently new to the Modpack and I'm "Keen as Mustard" to learn from experienced and friendly staff. I have also read and agreed to (personally) the rules you have in place as they seem a logical thing to do. IGN: HappyHippos360 Age: 16 Country: Australia
  2. IGN: HappyHippos360 Skype: Non-Currently *Will be made if needed*
  3. Name: James S IGN: HappyHippos360 Skype: Non Currently. *Will be made in future if needed* Email: [email protected] *Was made a few years back * Age: 16 Why i would like to play this server: I would like to play on this server mainly to make new friends and enjoy the modpack on an Australian server. *As there are no good ones out currently*
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