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Everything posted by Gav3x

  1. - How long have you played minecraft? B-team?: A Month and a half, atleast - Age?: 14 Years - Have you been staff before?: On several popular, high-population servers. - How often will you come online?: Every day for 10-11 hours - Any other skills?: Coding(small bit) and graphic design(2d-3d) - Why do you deserve the position?: I am an experienced minecraft, and modpack player, who is always professional, but still has fun and jokes around with players who will take care of the citizens of the server, but also be careful on how i judge them. Never Have been banned or abused (of course). - Anything else?: My names gavin
  2. Username: Gav3x Age: 14 Skype (If U have One): None at the moment, if needed Private message me? Do Your Record?? Yes Or No: Beginning How Much experience Do You Have With The ModPack?? 1-10: 10 Whats my class: Witchery/Tinkers Consturct Are You A Good Builer?? 1-10: 7-8 Are You Going to be Active??? Tell Me How Long/When you can/will come on: Mostly All the time Will You ever Donate (Wont Affect Chances Of Getting Picked): Well of course, if needed Will You Help The Community?: As much as possible (very social) Why Should i pick you out of everyone else??: I love community servers, am very dedicated, follow the rules, and get along with anyone!
  3. In Game Nick: Gav3x Skype: None At the moment Age: 14 Country: USA Modpack Experience: I've pretty much maxed single player out, i'm still learning though! Basic Online Times: Mostly all day.. Favorite Mod: Witchery or Tinkers Construct Why do you want to play on the Server: I want a friendly non-griefing whitelisted community! What do you like to do on the Server: Experience the mod, and help other players out? What should we know about you: Nothing else really I'm very social?
  4. Hmm, I don't know about this one, i've had similar issues, this may be a issue between interacting mods, or something you may have installed? Re-check all mods files, and try re-installing the pack, this is all i can give you from my experience
  5. In Game Nick: Gav3x Skype: None At the moment Age: 14 Country: USA Modpack Experience: I've pretty much maxed single player out, i'm still learning though! Basic Online Times: Mostly all day.. Favorite Mod: Witchery or Tinkers Construct Why do you want to play on the Server: I want a friendly non-griefing whitelisted community! What do you like to do on the Server: Experience the mod, and help other players out? What should we know about you: Nothing else really I'm very social?
  6. Accepted! Join atb.manyrealms.us:25657
  7. Accepted Join at atb.manyrealms.us:25657
  8. Accepted! Join at atb.manyrealms.us:25657
  9. Both of you have been accepted, and whitelisted the join ip is atb.manyrealms.us:25657 Enjoy! I may or may not be on when you've arrive
  10. Age: IGN: Timezone: Skype:(Not Necessary) Intentions for your existance on the on the server: Favorite Mods: Past Experience: Anything else we should know about you: Any extra companions: Did someone recommend you?: Level of maturity (Opinion):
  11. Ign: Gav3x Age: 14 Location: US - EST Why Would You Like To Join: I love attack of the b-team servers, I'm very experienced, focused and professional and will follow all of the rules! How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT: I've played a whole single-player world where i'm maxed out, i'd love a public experience What Mod Are You Best At: Witchery and Tinkers Construct Skype: (Not At the moment "Hope that doesn't effect anything :(")
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