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Everything posted by WonderHousR

  1. i hope everything is ok, i see the 2nd server is still down
  2. Could we add my buddy/ housemate? Our server guy is consistantly changing the worlds. OrionsFIST 30s USA no youtube ( but you may see him in the backgroud during my livestreams. He would agree to all rules cause he is the calmest guy. I can shoot you his email if needed.
  3. Already picked a nice hilltop just north of spawn. Also.. do you have a facebook page to use as a bulletin for players to post photos and share ideas? If not I could prob help out with a few things here and there.
  4. APPLICATION: IGN: WonderHousR Skype name: will have to make another, dont remember. lol Age: 38 Why you want to join the server: Looking to be part of a tight group who helps eachother out and maybe make some vids. (starting a Youtube, and Twitch What mods you think you'll focus on: Tinkers/ Thermal expansion, microblocks, almost all but witchery, but maybe even that.
  5. hey guys. WonderHousR USA yes Skype ( still unsure why people dont use Teamspeak. LOL) Youtube (comming soon. stream on twitch comming as well) age 38 (dont give me that look) accept server rules: yes
  6. WonderHousR 38 USA eastern About me: Been playing MC for 1 half years, and the modpacks interest me most of all. I am no genius, and refer to tutorials and wikis at all turn. I have played on other servers and find that whitelisted seem to have nicer people who aren't all about PVP. Been playing on my own AOTBT server, which is not whitelisted, but too few people to play with. I am lookign for a server that has a decent size group for team builds( have never done, but would like to try) I have never been banned. I love this modpack and am a big fan of Bdubs and Gennyb optional: have some, but little experience running my own server, and helping with my friend's server. I try to play a few times a week, but always able to jump on and help someone out. .
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