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JoshAllOver's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. 1. The name of your MC account: JoshAllOver 2. How old are you? 16 3. Where do you live? Chicago 4. What can you bring to the server? Experience, good sense of humor, fun and creative ideas, and the love of tekkit 5. Tell us briefly about yourself: I've been playing tekkit for about 2 years until I took a break from minecraft. I love to have fun and work on projects with others and I'm pretty helpful. 6. Do you accept the rules? Of course 7. Why do you want to apply? I've been looking for a nice tekkit server that doesn't have 1000 people playing on it. I want a single player experience but with other's around me that I can ask for help and laugh with. 8. Extra details or questions? I've been working on single player and trying to remember everything. Love watching tekkit videos, probably the reason I started playing again
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